martes, octubre 25, 2005


I´d been out of time lately - You Know, taking the shit out of your head is not always so easy- but here I am, back again, to finish what I begun.
LAs time I started talking about the relation of what you think, whats in your mind and how does it reflects to your body. It a very interesting issue i´d been studiying this lasts months.
The only thing that school has told us about it is the relation between the left-rigth hemispheres of the brain with emotional-racional thinking, respectively. And maybe, they have told you the hemispheres control the opposite side of your body, too.
Perhaps, this is the basic lesson of this hole theory.
But there are thing that we can read in other people bodies, as the hate or the sadness reflected in the chin, the littler the chin is, the bigger are these feelings repressed. We can also see represion of thougths in hips (women, mostly) but it works different: Bigger hips, Biggers represed feelings, I like to say that food is not the only thing that gets you fat. :)
As an example, we can see all of our moms. Thats how culture has affected women.
When we walk in the streets, we can also see how people cover her chests with their shoulders, Its some kind of protection aginst someone who cuold hurt them, sentimentaly, I mean. They are literal and methaphorically protecting their harths.
I would like to recommend you a great book if you are interested in this issue, Its called Body-mind by Ken Dytchwald, he´s not an uncle of mine, if thats what you think. It a really great book.
Theres another one by Osho with the same name. This one you´ll find faster. The other one is kind of old.
Hope you begin listening to your bodies.


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